art. 13 del GDPR 679/2016 – Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
Dear Client,
This is to inform you that your data will be processed in full compliance with the privacy legislation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016) regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
Your data will be collected and processed for the following purposes:
- adempimento degli obblighi fiscali o contabili;
- fulfillment of contractual obligations and related operational and management requirements, including but not limited to (please refer to the contract for the details of the case) provision of waste management service from recovery to final disposal, performance of analytical controls on collected waste, etc...)
- Management of business relationships to the extent necessary to best perform the requested service.
Pursuant to Article 6 of the GDPR 679/2016, the processing for the purposes referred to in points a), b) and c) is carried out by the Data Controller within the scope of its legitimate activities and in fulfillment of the obligations provided for by laws, regulations and EU legislation, or by provisions issued by Authorities legitimized by law and by supervisory and control bodies. The provision of data is therefore mandatory, Any refusal to provide the data or part of them will result in the impossibility of establishing or continuing the relationship, to the extent that such data are necessary for the execution of the same.
The data provided will be processed by the duly appointed data controllers and processors for the proper fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes by means of electronic tools and paper archives, as well as with the use of security measures to ensure their confidentiality and to prevent undue access to unauthorized parties.
Your data will be stored in secure databases on our servers, or on the servers of our trusted vendors who act as data controllers.
Such data will not be subject to dissemination and will be processed to the extent and at the times necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations and for the purposes stated above.
Your data may be disclosed to the following categories of entities, as data controllers and/or autonomous data controllers:
- outside consultants for bookkeeping and tax compliance;
- practicing attorneys for legal assistance in contractual matters and litigation management;
- companies that participate in the performance of our activities for needs strictly related to the fulfillment of contractual obligations (e.g., transportation service providers)
- Credit institutions.
In compliance with current regulations, at any time you can request:
- Confirmation of the existence or non-existence of your personal data;
- Knowing the content and origin, purposes and methods of processing;
- The logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic tools;
- The identification details of the data controller, data processors, and the individuals or categories of individuals to whom your personal data may be disclosed.
In addition, it is your right to obtain:
- Access, copying, rectification, supplementation, portability of data;
- The deletion (right to be forgotten), transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your data processed in violation of the law;
- The opposition in any case, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data relevant to the purpose of collection.
Under the Regulations, you will also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
To exercise your rights, you may address your requests to: Classicmobil Srl based Via Madonna di Calchere 38/b – 25071 Agnosine (BS) – pgone. 0039 0365.896601 – email
art. 13 del GDPR 679/2016 – Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
Spett.le Fornitore,
This is to inform you that your data will be processed in full compliance with the privacy legislation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016) regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
Your data will be collected and processed for the following purposes:
- espletamento degli obblighi di fornitura o di servizio;
- adempimento degli obblighi fiscali o contabili;
- esigenze di tipo operativo e gestionale, strettamente correlate alla fornitura del servizio richiesto.
In order to fulfill obligations provided for by laws, regulations and EU legislation, or provisions issued by Authorities legitimized by law and by supervisory and control bodies, as well as for the fulfillment of accounting-fiscal and organizational business obligations, the acquisition of consent is not necessary; failure to provide data on your part will result in the impossibility of establishing or continuing the relationship, to the extent that such data are necessary for the execution of the same.
The data provided will be processed by the duly appointed data controllers and processors for the proper fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes by means of electronic tools and paper archives, as well as with the use of security measures to ensure their confidentiality and to prevent undue access to unauthorized parties.
Your data will be stored in secure databases on our servers, or on the servers of our trusted vendors who act as data controllers.
Such data will not be subject to dissemination and will be processed to the extent and at the times necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations and for the purposes stated above.
Your data may be disclosed to the following categories of entities, as data controllers and/or autonomous data controllers:
- outside consultants for bookkeeping and tax compliance;
- practicing attorneys for legal assistance in contractual matters and litigation management;
- per i solo trasportatori di rifiuti, clienti e gestore della discarica a cui è destinato il rifiuto;
- Credit institutions.
In compliance with current regulations, at any time you can request:
- Confirmation of the existence or non-existence of your personal data;
- Knowing the content and origin, purposes and methods of processing;
- The logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic tools;
- The identification details of the data controller, data processors, and the individuals or categories of individuals to whom your personal data may be disclosed.
In addition, it is your right to obtain:
- Access, copying, rectification, supplementation, portability of data;
- The deletion (right to be forgotten), transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your data processed in violation of the law;
- The opposition in any case, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data relevant to the purpose of collection.
Under the Regulations, you will also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
To exercise your rights, you may address your requests to: Classicmobil Srl based Via Madonna di Calchere 38/b – 25071 Agnosine (BS) – pgone. 0039 0365.896601 – email